
Envirodestructivo (2010)

Envirodestructivo takes a concept of basic human anxiety and despair as the part of appreciation to their enviromental. Anxiety is a common and unaffirmatively human psychological experience.

Grab a line from an unfinished protest, unsatisfied basic habbit, and never ending whined by mankind, this performance art bring out those phenomenon to the emotional motion, harsh audial, tales of absurdism, and free speechs movement that have a biggest conjunction with the terminology of anxiety.

This Envirodestructivo is an open perfomance art collaboration project between me and Tisna Sanjaya. This art form was show at Cigondewah Environmental Art Fest 2010.

Mr. Tisna Sanjaya with his old native Indonesian thief authentic clothes mumbling about anything word that came into his head. From the attire type of word like "Inkuisisi" to the street based style language "Goblok."

The noise set and anxiety behind our performance


The nihilist contemposhit assemblage.

This concept and some pictures also come into Kompas daily news paper (30 May 2010 issue) and Tisna Sanjaya's Cigondewah: an Art Project exhibition at National University of Singapore.

Too bad, we dont have any video documentation.

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